Customer Testimonials

Since 1982, we have led the industry as a top supplier of automotive accessories to U.S. auto manufacturers. Today we proudly serve over 40 automotive OEMs and many corporations and small businesses, providing custom accessories from our Southern California production and distribution facilities.

Camisasca MotorVault Polished Frame and Black Lexan Plate
The polished frames are superb. They add a distinct and professional look. Like the way I try to run my business, they add a touch of class to any vehicle. Whether a ten thousand dollar worn out Porsche 944, or a late model GT3RS, the frames elevate the sales experience.

Last thing I want to see when a customer takes delivery is the tail end of a vehicle driving away with a plastic frame. Those dealers who would rather advertise and not care about the look of a car, all it says to me is ‘check out this bad ass car I bought with a $1.25 plastic frame.’ Having a proper frame is worth the cost to add to any vehicle in inventory. Customers can be proud when walking up to their vehicle as they know they purchased their vehicle from a small business who cares about the details.
— Brian Henry, MotorVault

What can I say? The quality of your products and service is second to none! Your competitors definitely have their work cut out for them. The blanket order has streamlined the ordering process for us and we never have to worry about running low on inventory with it. Thanks again for the exceptional level of service you provide.
— Servco Lexus of Honolulu
Camisasca Servco Lexus Honolulu License Plate Frame

McLaren Orlando Camisasca License Plate Frame
Charles was a pleasure to work with and it was great to interact with Colin as well - which definitely does not always happen with typical suppliers. We love that the business is based in California and look forward to working with Charles, Colin, and the team for years to come!
— McLaren Orlando

Park Shore BMW
From start to finish, always a pleasure dealing with you. Truly one of the most professional companies I’ve ever dealt with. Thank you and keep up the stellar work!
— Park Shore BMW
Camisasca Park Shore BMW License Plate Frame

Camisasca Supreme Power Laser Etched License Plate Frame
Thank you for these amazing frames. Our customers love them and they are in high demand! Your fast turn around and friendly staff is second to none. We have referred quite a few others for your products. Thank you once again! I will be contacting you soon for a reorder!

— Eric Nareshni, Supreme Power

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We have enjoyed a longstanding relationship with Camisasca and continue to promote their products based on superior craftsmanship and value.
— Moss Motors
Camisasca Union Jack License Plate Frame

Calgary BMW Camisasca License Plate Frame
In our years of purchasing your product Lines I will say that you and your company truly understand what customer service means in many different ways. Your plate frames are 100% quality and fit our sales requirements to the tee. The new key fobs have had strong positive reviews in the short time we have given them out. Your business approach is the way a customer would like to be approached in every way possible. You follow up and make sure we are satisfied with the product, not just selling and hoping for the best.
— Gary Bembridge, Calgary BMW

Cobalt Boats Logo.png
Cobalt Sports is happy to partner with Camisasca for our marketing efforts. Both the license plate and frame display a high quality image for our brand and reflect a product which is made from the best materials. Cobalt Sports prides itself on offering our customers the finest accessories and apparel.
Camisasca is the perfect match for us!
— Erica W. Mason. Cobalt Boats
Cobalt Boats Marque Plates.jpg

Camisasca Nitrogen Valve Stem Caps
We have been customers of Camisasca for 5 years now. Their products are of very high quality and the employees there are a pleasure to deal with! The frames and valve stem caps are great sellers in my store.
— Jennice Meehan, Owner

Ready to showcase your brand on quality automotive accessories?

US-family owned with distribution direct from our Southern California ISO quality certified manufacturing facilities. Camisasca Automotive Manufacturing is a private label, exclusive parts and accessories supplier to nearly 40 international vehicle manufacturers. In addition to our programs with automakers such as BMW AG and Subaru of America, we also supply aftermarket programs with wholesale premium promotional and corporate gift items. No matter the company's size and type, we can provide the perfect solution.

Camisasca Automotive Manufacturing US-family owned with distribution direct from our Southern California ISO quality certified manufacturing facilities.